joi, 29 decembrie 2011

AGENT COMERCIAL Braila, Bucuresti, Buzau, Galati, Ploiesti


Braila, Str. Capitan Octav Cocarascu, nr. 42

Nivel cariera:  Student,Entry-Level/Primii 3 Ani Exp,FaraStudiiSup/Necalificat
Tip Job:  Part time
Posturi disponibile:  5
- orientare spre obtinerea de rezultate;
- persoana motivata, dinamica, atitudine pozitiva si proactiva, politicoasa si etica (onesta)
- abilitati de comunicare si negociere, implicare totala in activitate;

- identificarea de noi clienti in vederea dezvoltarii portofoliului existent
- vizitarea tuturor clientilor saptamanal pentru vanzari si incasari;
- promovarea tuturor produselor firmei
- face oferte, ia comenzi, progreameaza plati si incaseaza.
- salarizarea va fi in functie de performante, asta inseamna un procent de 10% din comenzile obtinute.

- firma producatoare de confectii dama si tineret

Manager magazin - Bucuresti, Craiova, Iasi

Shop Manager must have:
- University degree;
- Knowledge of women’s fashion, visual presentation and merchandising;
- Skills and knowledge in performance management procedures;
- Strong problem solving skills and the ability to make decisions in the best interest of the business;
- 3 to 5 years of store management experience;
- Advanced MS Office skills;
- Advanced written and verbal English skills;
- Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills;
- Self driven and well organized and proactive.

Shop Manager is responsible and accountable for all operational aspects of assigned shop. She/he is committed to ensuring outstanding service by creating an environment that is focused on providing an experience that exceeds customer expectations. Establish and maintain superior professional standards in the areas of sales, customer service, visual presentation, inventory management, operations, personnel management and development. Demonstrates and upholds the values and vision of the company.

- Responsible for team sales goals and KPY Performance Indicators;
- Has product knowledge and ensure all Personal Shoppers and Clients receive most current product information;
- Ensures that all sales training initiatives are followed;
- Coordinates and implements all retail activities within the store, focusing on sales, services and people;
- Integrates all corporate strategies into assigned store such as events and promotions;
- Identify, recruit and attract top talent; hire and retain a complete qualified staff of sales leaders;
- Ensure proper training of personal shoppers using appropriate company training programs;
- Assures accuracy of all bank deposits and paperwork;
- Completes personal shopper schedules maintaining company payroll budget guidelines;
- Assures compliance by all personal shoppers of policies and procedures utilizing company tools;
- Responsible for drawing up the note entry, operating the cash register, keep records on stock management, returns and balances.

NISSA is the only brand in Romania that offers new models every day.
Over 500 models are waiting for you in our stores, inclusive online shop.
For more details, visit website

Constructor tipare - Bucuresti

- Cunostinte temeinice in construirea tiparelor (manual pe carton);
- Experienta minimum 5 ani;
- Cunostinte operare sistem CAD - constituie avantaj;
- Bun organizator al timpului de lucru;
- Capacitate de lucru in echipa;
- Initiativa;
- Bun cunoscator al domeniului confectii textile dama.

- Analizeaza impreuna cu designer-ul cerintele si informatiile de pe schita tehnica;
- Efectueaza contractiile de tesatura in vederea construirii corecte a tiparului de baza;
- Construieste tiparul de baza;
- Ofera indicatii de croire si coasere modelierului;
- Verifica mostra cu tiparul din punct de vedere dimensional si calitativ;
- Participa la proba produsului, decide si corecteaza toate detaliile care nu corespund, in vederea perfectionarii tiparului de baza;

NISSA este singurul brand din Romania care ofera zilnic modele noi.
Peste 500 de modele va asteapta in reteaua noastra de magazine, incusiv in magazinul online.
Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitati site-ul

Gradator - incadrator confectii textile dama - Bucuresti

- Experienta minim 3 ani in programul Lectra (Modaris/ Diamino);
- Bun cunoscator al domeniului confectii textile dama;
- Persoana organizata, cu spirit de initiativa.

- Analizeaza si digitizeaza tiparele primite de la constructorii de tipare;
- Realizeaza gradarea tiparelor conform regulilor de gradare stabilite, si conform cu gama de masuri solicitate, aferenta fiecarui model;
- Realizeaza incadrari urmarind un coeficient optim de utilizare al tesaturii, functie de tesaturi se aplica contractiile calculate de constructorii de tipare;
- Ofera toate datele obtinute catre sala de croit;
- Raporteaza superiorului direct orice inadvertente constatate in timpul realizarii gradari si incadrarii;
- Intocmeste tabelul de dimensiuni, aferent fiecarui produs;
NISSA este singurul brand din Romania care ofera zilnic modele noi.
Peste 500 de modele va asteapta in reteaua noastra de magazine, incusiv in magazinul online.
Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitati site-ul

miercuri, 28 decembrie 2011

Inginer Calitate Client, Curtici, Arad

Descrierea postului:
• Reprezinta interesele clientului din punct de vedere calitativ in cadrul uzinei.
• Este responsabil de difuzarea in interiorul uzinei in cel mai scurt timp a informatiilor de calitate ale clientului ( cerinte si probleme de calitate).

marți, 27 decembrie 2011

Inginer confectii piele si inlocuitori - Satu Mare

A.J.O.F.M. Satu Mare

Localitate: Satu Mare
Strada: Ion Ghica Nr. 36
Telefon: 0261/770237
Persoana de contact: Tucu Radian Stefan
Functia : Consilier superioir
Adresa email:

Reprezentant vanzari - Bucuresti

Exclusive Fashion caută 50 persoane dinamice, care iubesc moda barbateasca, cu dorinţa de afirmare, în vederea colaborării în sistemul de vânzări directe.
• vârsta minimă 18 ani
• orice persoană care isi doreşte un venit suplimentar
• persoană prezentabila, sociabilă, comunicativă si care este la curent cu trendurile vestimentare barbatesti.
• seriozitate, corectitudine, punctualitate
• spirit întreprinzător
• experienţa în vânzări constituie un avantaj

• câştiguri nelimitate
• bonusuri şi alte beneficii lunare in functie de nivelul de performanta
• acces la costumele si accesoriile barbatesti Exclusive Fashion la preturi speciale
• suportul continuu al echipei Exclusive Society
• training gratuit
• program de lucru flexibil – îţi stabileşti singur orele de lucru
• posibilităţi de achizitionare a francizei Exclusive Society

• prezentarea costumelor barbatesti Exclusive Society unui cerc cât mai mare de persoane cunoscute si nu numai
• colectarea de comenzi şi distribuirea acestora
• încasarea contravalorii comenzilor

Scopul si misiunea companiei Exclusive Fashion este de a oferi clientilor sai costume de cea mai inalta calitate, personalizate, la un pret accesibil tuturor.

Calitatea nu trebuie sa fie scumpa, iar noi am gasit modalitatea prin care sa o oferim la preturi avantajoase.

Programme for Graduates and Young Professionals

Programme for Graduates and Young Professionals

EADS unites a leading aircraft manufacturer, the world’s largest helicopter supplier, a global leader in space programmes and a prominent defence network systems provider to form Europe’s largest defence and aerospace group. Around 128,000 people in companies like Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian and Eurocopter work in 90 locations around the world to deliver some of the world’s most exciting projects.

Description of the programme

Striving for PROGRESS? – Participate in the EADS Corporate Development Programme for graduates & young professionals at different locations within and outside Europe.

The PROfessional and GRaduate Entry Support Scheme (PROGRESS) is a programme in the EADS Corporate Young Management Development Portfolio. EADS is offering you this unique entry path to start your career in the EADS Group (Airbus, Eurocopter, Astrium, Cassidian and EADS Headquarters). This 24-month-programme will develop and support the highest calibre graduates and young professionals who are eager to gain international experience in a world class aerospace & defence company.


Depending on your qualification and background, you will have the opportunity to work in challenging positions either in a technical field or in a support function. Our positions are diverse and cover the areas of Engineering, Manufacturing, Quality Management, Customer Services and Support, IT, Supply Chain Management, Procurement, Finance, Human Resources, Strategy, Business Development, Communications, Contract Management as well as Marketing and Sales.

Participants have a permanent contract from the very beginning and will move to a new position after the completion of the programme. This position will be in another Division and/or country to allow participants to experience some different insights into our fascinating and diverse company.

Network events will enhance your understanding of the EADS businesses and will enlarge your personal contacts within the company. Beyond this, tailor-made workshops and a blue collar experience in one of our factories will extend your personal skills and knowledge. Furthermore, you will have a personal mentor from senior management for 36 months to give you guidance, support and feedback. On top of that, you will work on challenging business projects aside your daily job under the guidance of top executive sponsors.

Your profile

  • 0–3 years of professional work experience
  • At least 6 months of experience abroad (internships, studies, work experience, school exchange)
  • Excellent academic background in engineering and/or business
  • Very good communication skills and a strong team spirit
  • Creative and innovative mindset
  • Desire for world-wide mobility
  • Passion for engineering and technology
  • English language fluency, additional language skills are a plus
For further information and to apply, please visit

luni, 26 decembrie 2011

Quality controller clothing industry - Bucuresti

Descrierea postului:
On interview
- minim 10 years experience in quality controll confections
- lives in Bucharest
- driving licence
- english
Descrierea firmei:
We are an establishmed garment production company based in Bucharest Romania who together with our UK partner Key Fashions produce ladies garments in Romania on behalf of our clients, wich include Next, Arcadia group and Jane Norman

Angel Trade Fashion

Visinilor 19 - Bucuresti

Producator confectii textile femei
Profil comercial: Producator
Adresa: Calea Rahovei Nr.301. Bl Eledur, Et 6 Sector 5
Localitate: Bucuresti
Judet: Bucuresti
Telefon: +4 031.805.31.80; +40 745.246.275; +40 730.108.011; +40 788.466.686

Stoll Service Technician - Strainatate

Our client is seeking to recruit an experienced Stoll Service Technician to assist in the installation and servicing of Stoll flat knitting machines.

The ideal candidate should have experience of the full range of Stoll CMS machines including programming.

An excellent remuneration package and conditions are available to the correct applicant.

Please send your CV in the first instance to