miercuri, 12 august 2015

Sef Schimb Mentenanta - Roman

S.C. TRW Airbag Systems S.R.L Roman

URL/WEBSITE Companie: www.trwauto.com

Candidatul ideal:

- Studii Superioare Tehnice;
- Minim 3 ani experienta in activitati de mentenanta;
- Automotivat, cu capacitate ridicata de a lucra independent;
- Abilitati de organizare si coordonare;
- Cunostinte de mecanica (mecanica fina constituie avantaj), pneumatica;
- Cunostinte limba engleza cel putin nivel mediu;
- Cunostinte PLC, Siemens Step7 – constituie avantaj;
- Cunostinte avansate MS-Office.

Descrierea jobului:

- Evalueaza permanent defectiunile care apar, timpul de reactie /stationare;
- Monitorizeaza evolutia periodica a indicatorilor Departamentului Mentenanta: Downtime (timpul de stationare al masinilor), MTTR (durata medie a unei interventii), MTBF (timpul intre doua defectiuni succesive), MSF (numarul defectiunilor simultane pe un interval determinat);
- Evalueaza permanent problemele sistemice si se implica activ in dezvoltarea si implementarea de proiecte de imbunatatire;
- Urmareste implementarea planului de mentenanta preventiva si aloca resursele corespunzatoare;
- Se asigura ca toate problemele sunt rezolvate in timpul asumat (escaladeaza conform procedurii in cazul stationarilor prelungite);
- Se asigura ca toti tehnicienii de intretinere (mecanici si automatisti) sunt instruiti conform procedurilor interne de lucru si au acces la training-uri tehnice specifice;
- Se asigura de existenta necesarul de piese de schimb materiale, echipamente si consumabile necesare bunei desfasurari a activitatii de mentenanta – monitorizeaza consumul acestora si propune masuri pentru reducerea acestuia);
- Mentine inregistrarile privind activitatea schimbului sau (raport de tura, fise de mentenanta preventiva, lipsa stoc piese in magazie).

Descrierea companiei:

Who we are?

Innovative thinking. Protecting people. That’s the aim of our ongoing tradition of occupant safety innovation. TRW is continually developing advanced solutions to anticipate and react to the many variables of a crash. As a world leader in safety systems for the global automotive industry, we are one of the top financial performers in this field and positioned to meet the changing demands with advanced and affordable safety solutions. In Romania, you can find us in Timisoara, Marghita, Oravita, Lupeni, Baia Mare and Roman. Our team includes approximately 4000 employees.

What's in it for you?

Excellent perspectives! Our commitment to developing people has made us what we are today. Because people bring value to the business. Join us and you can contribute to the overall success of our company!

We offer:

Competitive compensation package including strong salary & benefits; Opportunity to work for a well respected and growing organization.

"We help protect people on the road"

Join our team!


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