Periada de preselectie s-a terminat. Data de sustinere a interviului a fost stabilita si comunicata celor preselectati.
Firma Stoll Italia cauta 4 absolventi ai sectiei de Tricotaje – Confectii, in conditiile afisate mai jos.
Prima selectie a persoanelor interesate o face d-na Mirela Blaga, date de contact:
Tel. 0740 078570
Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimit aun CV in limba engleza pe adresa de email mai sus mentionata.
Profile and conditions:
We are looking for young people with a basis knowledge in knitting (knitting degree) and good skills, before in learning and then in teaching our Software (M1 plus) to our customers; therefore people must have the possibility to move to different countries.
For the first period we offer a contract of two years; in this period of time people will have a first M1 plus training in Germany and then they have to teach the M1 plus Software to our customer.
After the first two years people will have the possibility, according with Stoll Germany, of working for Stoll Germany, for Stoll Italy by the different customers or as further alternative to operate directly by a Stoll customer.
I think that in this contest we must have a special look for people who don't have problems to move and to travel for job's needs.