marți, 31 ianuarie 2012


Compania : SIRIUS


Bun organizator,experienta in controlul tehnic de calitate.sociabil,dornic de afirnare si promovare
Coordonarea activitatii de productie, si a controlului tehnic de calitate
Companie cu vechime de 18 ani in productia de confectii tehnice textile.produce in special huse pentru scaune auto, trenuri, avioane, autocare , scaune pentru copii etc.
Producem deasemenea echipamente de protectie.
Peste 80%din productie este destinata exportului

Burse de management in Franta


Asociatia Absolventilor Romani ai Programului Copernic invita candidatii interesati sa ne contacteze pentru detalii referitor la depunerea candidaturii si pentru detalii referitoare la Program.
Pentru anul universitar 2012-2013 DOSARELE DE CANDIDATURA sunt asteptate pana la 29 FEBRUARIE 2012.
Pregatirea dosarului poate sa dureze intre 1 si 4 saptamani.
PROGRAMUL COPERNIC este un program de formare in management pentru tineri INGINERI, ECONOMISTI si JURISTI din tarile Europei Centrale si Orientale.
Cursul include anual 45 de INGINERI, ECONOMISTI si JURISTI din toate tarile Europei de Est. Anual, pentru Romania se acorda 5 locuri – care sunt acordate pe baza unui CONCURS de dosare de candidatura si a unei evaluari in fata unei comisii mixte formate din reprezentatii scolii, ai companiilor partenere, ai Ambasadei Frantei si ai Asociatiei Absolventilor.
Bursa guvernului francez este pentru intreaga durata a programului. Ministerul francez al Afacerilor Externe acopera taxele de scolarizare si asigurarile de sanatate.
Programul are durata de 12 luni si cuprinde in a doua parte un stagiu practic in cadrul unei firme multinationale, in Franta sau alta tara europeana.
Programul include anual 45 de ingineri, economisti si juristi din toate tarile Europei de Est. Anual, pentru Romania se acorda 5 locuri – care sunt acordate pe baza unui concurs de dosare de candidatura si a unei evaluari in fata unei comisii mixte formate din reprezentatii scolii
Varsta pana in 30 de ani. Absolvent detinator a unei diplome de inginer (studii de 4 sau 5 ani de studii) sau a unei diplome de economist sau de jurist (cu 4 sau 5 ani de studii superioare).
Stapanirea limbii franceze intr-un context profesional este obligatorie (pentru participarea la cursuri si realizarea stagiului intr-o companie franceza)
Interesat de dezvoltarea unei cariere intr-o companie franceza (in Franta sau in filiala acesteia in Romania).
Experienta profesionala initiala intr-o organizatie reprezinta un atu major

Pe termen mediu:
12 luni petrecute la Paris, in Franta, din care 6 luni de cursuri in 4 institutii de invatamant superior din Paris (Sciences-Po, Mines, Ponts et Chaussees si College des Ingenieurs) si 6 luni de stagiu intr-o mare companie franceza. Printre partenerii Programului Copernic se numara: Banque BNP Paribas, Cetelem, SNEF, Bouygues Construction, Air Liquide, Groupe Danone, l'Oréal, Renault, Saint-Gobain, Groupe Crédit Agricole, ArcelorMittal si altele.
O bursa de studii de aproximativ 800 EUR pe durata celor 12 luni petrecute in Franta, la care se adauga cazare si cheltuielile de inscriere si acoperire sociala.
O experienta profesionala si personala de exceptie.
Pe termen lung:
Posibilitatea dezvoltarii carierei intr-o mare companie europeana

British American Tobacco - International Management Trainee Programme

British American Tobacco (BAT)  este o organizatie globala. Companiile BAT au o afacere care se intinde aproximativ la 180 piete la nivel mondial.
Eu sunt responsibila cu activitatea de recrutare absolventi pentru BAT prin intermediul agentiei de recrutare GTI Recruitment Solutions din Marea Britanie.
Programul dezvoltat de BAT este unul foarte avantajos pentru absolventii romani in domeniile stiinte economice, finante, marketing, business, operatiuni.
Avem posturi vacante in Romania (Bucuresti/Ploiesti).
Oferta din partea companiei British American Tobacco este in limba engleza intrucat este cerinta companiei – candidatii sa fie vorbitori fluenti de limba engleza.
Pe scurt:
  • programul dezvoltat reprezinta un training initial de 2 ani, unde inginerii si economistii vor lucra in Bucurest/Ploiesti;
  • aplicatiile se pot face prin intermediul link-ului postat in oferta si totodata mai multe informatii vor fi furnizate pe website-ul respectiv;
  • termenul limita pentru aplicatii este 30 Martie 2012 - Marketing si Finante – si 25 Martie 2012 – Operatiuni.

Va multumesc si stau la dispozitiile studentilor pentru mai multe detalii. 

Cu stima,
Timea Gorgenyi

BAT Graduate Recruitment Team
GTI Recruiting Solutions
First Floor Offices, 75 Farringdon Road ,
London EC1M 3JY UK

DDI: +44 (0)20 7061 1909  
Fax: +44 (0)20 7061 1901

Gradator - incadrator confectii textile dama


- Experienta minim 3 ani in programul Lectra (Modaris/ Diamino);
- Bun cunoscator al domeniului confectii textile dama;
- Persoana organizata, cu spirit de initiativa.

- Analizeaza si digitizeaza tiparele primite de la constructorii de tipare;
- Realizeaza gradarea tiparelor conform regulilor de gradare stabilite, si conform cu gama de masuri solicitate, aferenta fiecarui model;
- Realizeaza incadrari urmarind un coeficient optim de utilizare al tesaturii, functie de tesaturi se aplica contractiile calculate de constructorii de tipare;
- Ofera toate datele obtinute catre sala de croit;
- Raporteaza superiorului direct orice inadvertente constatate in timpul realizarii gradari si incadrarii;
- Intocmeste tabelul de dimensiuni, aferent fiecarui produs;

NISSA este singurul brand din Romania care ofera zilnic modele noi.
Peste 500 de modele va asteapta in reteaua noastra de magazine, incusiv in magazinul online.
Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitati site-ul

duminică, 29 ianuarie 2012

Reprezentant vanzari cutite stanta industria incaltamintei, marochinarie - Bucuresti


Descrierea firmei

Compania noastra a fost infiintata in anul 2000 si este situata in Bucuresti.

Avand ca prioritate satisfactia clientilor, compania noastra produce o gama larga de cutite de stante pentru incaltaminte, perforare, stampilare piele. Compania are un efectiv de 20 angajati. Avem o experienta indelungata pe piata din Romania.

Noi avem si respectam proceduri clare de lucru, care asigura un nivel inalt, constant, in calitatea produselor si serviciilor noastre. Personalul nostru e pregatit in mod constant in traininguri organizate de companie.

Compania noastra se bucura de aprecierea unanima a clientilor nostri actuali si suntem siguri ca si dumneavostra veti fi multumit de serviciile noastre.

Euro Sinergia S.R.L. este onorata sa raspunda oricarei solicitari din partea dumneavoastra referitoare la oferta noastra de produse si servicii, care in mod cert va va aduca reale satisfactii.

Pentru fiecare din produsele noastre ne puteti solicita informatii la care noi vom raspunde prompt.

Descrierea postului

Prospectarea pietei
Urmarirea trendului pietei
Colectare de informatii legate de piata
Intocmirea de rapoarte specifice activitatii
Negociere cu clientii
Mentinerea relatiei cu clientii (vizite, participare la targuri, etc.)
Promovarea produselor companiei, ofertelor speciale, etc.


Studii medii
Capacitate de organizare si planificare
Persoana dinamica
Disponibilitate pentru deplasari in tara si strainatate
Cunostinte bune de operare in MS Office (Word si Excel)
Aptitudini de comunicare verbala si scrisa in limba italiana
Bune abilitati de comunicare si interrelationare.

Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii)

Salariu fix + comision din vanzari.

Designer Textil Home Fashion - Cluj


Descrierea postului:
• Realizează schiţele produselor de tip home fashion;
• Realizează conceptul de store în care vor fi comercializate produsele şi construieste tiparele pentru aceste produse;
• Alege materialele pentru alcătuirea colecţiilor;
• Utilizează instrumente de măsură şi desen pentru proiectarea produselor de acest tip;
• Propune identitatea grafică a produselor de promovare: cataloage, modalităţi de ambalare, etichete, flyere etc.;
• Contribuie la realizarea identităţii produselor dezvoltate de echipă;
• Procesarea imaginilor din punct de vedere tehnic si artistic;
• Păstrează legătura cu clienţii.
• Studii superioare de specialitate finalizate ( creaţie si design)
• Cunoştinţe operare MS Office – nivel avansat;
• Cunoştinţe de redactare a materialelor de creaţie în programe specifice: CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop;
• Cultură artistică.
Descrierea firmei:
Clientul nostru este o companie care produce si comercializează produse textile şi non-textile (tricot Jersey şi bumbac satinat).

Psihoselect este compania de consultanţă în resurse umane cu o experienţă de peste 10 ani pe piaţa din România. Asistăm firmele în proiecte de recrutare şi selecţie de personal pentru poziţii de top şi middle management. Pe lângă serviciile de recrutare şi selecţie, clienţii beneficiază şi de proiecte de consultanţă pentru stabilirea grilei salariale şi a structurii optime de personal, precum şi de proiecte de dezvoltare personală şi training.



SC BLUETTE MODE SA Bucuresti, punct de lucru Braila

-Intocmeste documentatia tehnica pentru lansarea comenzilor in productie;
-Urmareste executarea corecta a modelelor in fluxul tehnologic conf. indicatiilor clientului;
-Comunica permanent cu clientul;


-experienta in domeniul confectii;
-limba italiana nivel mediu spre avansat;

Beneficii Oferite

-pachet salarial motivant corelat cu performantele individuale;
-tichete de masa;
-transport asigurat;

Descrierea firmei

Bluette Mode S.A a fost infiintata in anul 1998 in Bucuresti si are punctul de lucru in Braila.

Avand ca prioritate satisfactia clientilor, compania noastra produce o gama larga de camasi de dama si barbatesti . Compania are un efectiv de 200 angajati. Structura companiei noastre, flexibilitatea si diversificarea produselor si serviciilor noastre, permite adaptarea continua la schimbarile si cererile pietei din Europa de Vest.

Noi verificam constant daca produsele si serviciile oferite aduc satisfactii beneficiarilor, daca sunt perfect adaptate profilului acestora, daca raspund fidel cerintelor si asteptarilor lor. Angajatilor nostri li se asigura conditii optime de promovare in cadrul firmei.

vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012

Textile Designer - Job Description, Salaries, Benefits and Useful Links


Job Description, Salaries, Benefits and Useful Links

Textile designers create designs for knitted, printed and woven textiles. These designs often feature repeating patterns.
Textile design can include designing:
  • textiles for clothing and accessories
  • fabrics and furnishings
  • printed, paper-based products
  • for the technical market, for example, clothing for oil rig workers.
Textile designers need to discuss, understand and interpret the needs, ideas and requirements of their customers accurately. They must consider how the textile will be used and therefore which properties it needs, before producing design ideas, sketches and samples for presentation to customers.
Textile designers usually work normal office hours, from Monday to Friday. Additional hours may be required to meet deadlines. Part-time work may be available. Designers are usually based in an office or studio and may spend a large part of their working day sitting in front of a computer screen.
Salaries usually range from around £13,000 to £40,000 a year.
A textile designer should:
  • be artistic, creative and able to draw
  • have an eye for colour, texture and pattern and have good attention to detail
  • understand the properties of different materials and dyes and the production processes of textiles
  • have knowledge of the market and be able to predict new trends.
Employers include companies that produce clothing, soft furnishings and other textile-based products, design studios and consultancies. There is intense competition for vacancies. People looking for work usually need to undertake relevant paid or unpaid work experience and build up a list of contacts in the industry. Many textile designers work on a freelance basis.
There are no formal entry requirements to become a textile designer. However, most people enter through one of two main routes. Some begin as a machinist or cutter and progress to textile designer. More usually, entry is after completing a relevant HNC/HND or degree in design. Postgraduate qualifications are also available. Course admissions tutors and employers expect to see a portfolio of design work.
Most training is carried out on the job. Designers may attend short courses to update computing, technical and creative skills. Non-graduates can also work towards NVQ Level 3 in Design or the City & Guilds Certificate in Design and Crafts at Level 3.
With experience, junior textile designers may be promoted to designer and then to senior designer. Designers working in smaller companies may need to change employer to gain promotion.

What is the work like?

Textile designers create designs for knitted, printed and woven textiles. These designs often feature repeating patterns.
Textile design can include designing:
  • textiles for clothing and accessories
  • fabrics for furnishings
  • printed, paper-based products.
Textile designers need to discuss, understand and interpret the needs, ideas and requirements of their customers accurately. They must consider how the textile will be used and therefore which properties it needs. They must consider, for example, the weight, strength, performance and flammability of the material used.
Once textile designers have selected the type of textile, they then produce design ideas, sketches and samples for presentation to customers.
As the world market for textiles becomes increasingly competitive, many UK-based textile designers are applying their skills to the design of textiles for specialist markets, such as protective clothing for oil rig workers. The UK is a world leader in technical textiles.
The work of a textile designer may involve:
  • liaising with customers and interpreting their ideas and needs accurately
  • liaising with marketing, buying and technical staff as well as design colleagues
  • considering how the textile will be used and what properties it needs
  • researching the properties of materials used in specialist and industrial textiles
  • undertaking research for ideas and inspiration
  • experimenting with colour and texture
  • producing design ideas, sketches and samples to present to customers
  • producing designs using computer-aided design (CAD) software
  • checking and approving samples of completed items
  • working to deadlines and within a budget
  • keeping up to date with new fashions and trends, and design and production techniques
  • attending trade shows.
A self-employed textile designer also needs to spend time marketing their work and keeping up to date with finances and general administration.
Some designs are created on machines in large quantities, others use traditional techniques like embroidery, block printing or hand painting to produce short lengths of textiles for the luxury market.
Textile designers starting out may earn between £13,000 and £20,000 a year.

Hours and environment

Textile designers usually work normal office hours, from Monday to Friday. Additional hours may be required to meet deadlines. Part-time work may be available. Freelance and self-employed designers may work from home and set their own hours.
Designers are usually based in an office or studio which is warm and well lit. They may spend a large part of their working day sitting in front of a computer screen. Designers might spend time on the factory floor, checking their designs during production. They may also visit customers or trade shows. Overseas travel is relatively common.

Salary and other benefits

These figures are only a guide, as actual rates of pay may vary, depending on the employer and where people live.
  • Newly-qualified textile designers may earn between £13,000 and £20,000 a year.
  • Experienced/junior designers may earn between £20,000 and £28,000.
  • Design directors may earn between £28,000 and £40,000 a year.
Freelance designers are usually paid a fee for each commission they undertake. Those who use an agent to help them find work pay the agent a percentage of each fee as commission.

Skills and personal qualities

A textile designer should:
  • be artistic, creative and able to draw
  • have an eye for colour, texture and pattern
  • have good attention to detail
  • understand the properties of different materials and dyes and the production processes of textiles
  • have knowledge of the market and be able to predict new trends
  • have good communication skills
  • be good at problem solving
  • have good organisational ability and be able to work to deadlines and within budget
  • have good CAD skills
  • have good business skills.


It is important to:
  • be interested in craft, design and technology subjects
  • be interested in fashion, textiles and design
  • enjoy working with a range of different styles and techniques.

Getting in

Typical employers include companies that produce clothing, soft furnishings and other textile-based products, large fashion and clothing retailers, design studios and consultancies. There may also be opportunities with exclusive design houses or interior designers.
There are around 12,000 textile designers in paid employment in the UK and competition for vacancies is strong, with more applicants than vacancies. People looking for work usually need to undertake relevant paid or unpaid work experience and build up a list of contacts in the industry.
Companies employing textile designers are found all over the UK, although there is a higher concentration in London, the North West, the East Midlands and Scotland.
Many textile designers work on a freelance basis. At first, they may need to supplement their income with other work.
Entry for young people
There are no formal entry requirements to become a textile designer. However, most people enter through one of two main routes. Some begin as a machinist or cutter and progress to textile designer. More usually, entry is after completing a relevant HNC/HND or degree in design.
  • To join an HNC/HND course, applicants need a minimum of one A level/two H grades, or the equivalent, in art and design subjects.
  • Entry to a degree course is usually with a minimum of two A levels/three H grades, plus five GCSEs/S grades (A-C/1-3), or the equivalent.
  • In England and Wales, students may complete a year's foundation course in art and design, in which students gain a broad experience of art and design areas before specialising and commencing degrees. In Scotland, degree courses last four years and include a general year, so a foundation course is not necessary. Candidates who have completed a foundation course may be able to start in the second year.
Design courses are offered by universities and art colleges throughout the UK. Some are aimed specifically at textile design and others include modules on fashion, soft furnishings, fabrics, carpets or surface pattern. Some clothing technology courses also offer a design element. Some degree and HND courses focus more on the technical and business management aspects of design. Course admissions tutors and employers expect to see a portfolio of design work.
A range of postgraduate qualifications relating to textile design is also available. Applicants need a good honours degree in a relevant subject. The Textile Institute offers a range of courses and membership levels are determined by qualification status; designers can apply for membership at Fellow, Associate and Licentiate levels.
Entry for adults
Normal entry qualifications may be relaxed for adult applicants to art and design courses, especially if they have relevant experience. Adults may prepare for application to a degree by taking an Access course.


Most training is carried out on the job. There may be opportunities to attend short courses to update computing, technical and creative skills.
The Chartered Society of Designers (CSD) offers a range of seminars as part of their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme. Each seminar attracts CPD points, which can result in the award of a Professional Practice Certificate
Those without a relevant degree can also work towards qualifications such as the NVQ Level 3 in Design or the City & Guilds Certificate in Design and Crafts at Level 3, which is studied part time over two years and has a textiles option. Successful students could progress to the Level 3 Diploma in Design and Crafts.
Freelance designers may find it useful to train in business-related skills such as marketing and finance.

Getting on

With experience, junior textile designers may be promoted to designer and then to senior designer. Opportunities may be limited in smaller organisations and designers may need to change employers to gain promotion.
Freelance work and self-employment are common.
There may be opportunities to work overseas, particularly in Italy, France or the USA.
Some textile designers may move to related careers in textile manufacturing or buying.

Further information

Chartered Society of Designers (CSD), 1 Cedar Court, Royal Oak Yard, Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3GA. 020 7357 8088. Website:
Crafts Council, 44A Pentonville Road, Islington, London N1 9BY. 020 7278 7700. Website:
Design Council, 34 Bow Street, London WC2E 7DL. 020 7420 5200. Website:
Skillfast-UK, Richmond House, Lawnswood Business Park, Redvers Close, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS16 6RD. 0113 2399 600. Website:
The Textile Institute, 1st Floor, St James's Buildings, Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6FQ. 0161 237 1188. Website:
UK Fashion Exports (including the Register of Apparel and Textile Designers), 5 Portland Place, London W1B 1PW. 020 7636 5577. Website:

Further reading

Working in art & design - Connexions
Working in fashion & clothing - Connexions


Crafts Magazine
Drapers Magazine
Fashion Business International
Textile Horizons

joi, 26 ianuarie 2012

Controlor calitate incaltaminte - Calarasi, Craiova, Turnu Magurele, Petrosani


2 posturi
Colaboratori (PFA) pentru prestare servicii control calitate imbracaminte in sudul Romaniei (Calarasi, Craiova, Turnu Magurele, Petrosani)

experienta in control de calitate incaltaminte, masina proprie si permis de conducere, cunostinte limba franceza si engleza, cunostinte informatica

Societate comerciala, al carei domeniu de activitate este controlul de calitate pentru industria usoara

miercuri, 25 ianuarie 2012



Descrierea postului:
Fabrica de incaltaminte copii din Alesd,angajeaza responsabil productie.
- studii superioare ( industrie usoara)
- cunoscator limba italiana
- abilitatii de comunicare
Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii):

se vor negocia in urma interviului

Tehnician control calitate pentru confectii textile - Craiova


Descrierea postului:
- cunostinte temeinice in domeniul confectiilor de dama, ce vor reprezenta suportul necesar in a gestiona produse cu un grad ridicat de calitate;
- experienta minim 10 ani;
- cunostinte/ metode foarte bune de a verifica tiparele/ de a determina deficiente ce pot aparea din modul de executie al tiparelor;
- abilitati in a realiza (de a confectiona), un produs la nivelul de calitate ce ulterior il va urmarii in productie, conditie obligatorie;
- abilitati de comunicare si implementare de solutii;
- adaptabilitate usoara la schimbari;
- abilitati de rezolvarea cu succes a problemele inerente cu care se confrunta;
- capacitatea de a lucra intr-un mediu cu ritm rapid;
- rezistent la stres;
- capacitatea de a lucra independent si de a lua decizii bune;
- cunostinte calculator, nu reprezinta o conditie obligatorie;
- permis de conducere, constituie un avantaj;
- disponibilitate deplasari, mai mult de 80% din activitate.
- verifica prin sondaj fiecare lot tesatura si accesorii ce urmeaza sa intre in productie;
- verifica si comunica cantitatile rezultate din croit si motivele pentru care nu s-a inchis comanda, dupa caz comunica si se asigura de colectarea justificariilor necesare inchiderii comenzii, eventuale lipsuri de materiale/accesorii;
- urmareste seria "0" si intocmeste raport de calitate, ofera solutii tehnologice astfel incat sa urmareasca executarea produselor conform standardului impus;
- se asigura de urmarirea standardului de calitate in timpul productie (intefazic), urmareste respectarea fluxului tehnologic/ modul de executie al operatiilor conform cu documentatia tehnica si modelul apobat;
- controleaza calitativ si dimensional produsele in fazele de executie (interfazic), dupa calcatul final si prin sondaj/integral la final dupa ce produsele au fost ambalate;
- anunta locul si data de unde se va face incarcarea, dupa intocmirea raportului de calitate conform cu care valideaza livrarea de produse;
- se asigura ca toate livrarile sunt insotite de modelul original, si documentatia aferenta;
- se asigura ca fiecare comanda se livreaza integral conform cu nr. de bucati croite, si ataseaza fiecarie livrari justificarile pt. produsele ce nu sunt livrate;
- urmareste returanarea dispozitivelor, utilajelor de lucru, a plusurilor de materiale/ accesorii trimise fabricilor de productie.
Descrierea firmei:
NISSA este singurul brand din Romania care ofera zilnic modele noi.
Peste 500 de modele va asteapta in reteaua noastra de magazine, incusiv in magazinul online.
Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitati site-ul




•cunoştinţe temeinice de limba germană, atât la nivel scris cât şi vorbit, inclusiv termeni tehnici din domeniul confecţilor textile
•abilităţi de comunicare
•aptitudini de organizare, planificare
•spirit de echipă
•ambiţie, disciplină şi dinamism
•spirit întreprinzător
•responsabilitate şi flexibilitate
•cunoştinţe foarte bune de operare Office şi Outlook

•loc de muncă sigur
•salarizare atractivă
•bonuri de masă
•decontare transport
•condiţii de muncă deosebite

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să trimită un CV pe adresa de mail: sau fax 0264-436036 până la data de 04.02.2012.
Informaţii suplimentare la telefon: 0264-435305, 435155, sau la sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca, Calea Baciului nr.80.

Held Fashion SRL este o companie cu capital integral olandez, infiintata in 1999, avand ca domeniu principal de activitate productia de confectii textile pentu femei (jachete, bluze, topuri, fuste). Este o companie organizata si structurata dupa principii europene, aflandu-se intr-un intens proces de optimizare a activitatii.

Şef Departament CAD - Cluj-Napoca



•Experienţă în coordonarea unui departament
•Aptitudini de organizare, abilităţi de comunicare
•Spirit de echipă
•Ambiţie, disciplină şi dinamism
•Experienţă profesională:
–cunoştinţe temeinice de limba germană
–pregatire profesională în realizarea tiparelor de bază cel puţin pentru articolele: jachete, bluze, fuste
-experienţă în efectuarea de probe şi simţ dezvoltat pentru proporţii
–gradare tipare
–cunostinţe avansate de operare sistem CAD (constituie avantaj cunoşterea programului Assyst)
–cunoştinţe Microsoft Office - Excel

•loc de muncă sigur
•salarizare atractivă
•stimulente băneşti în funcţie de performanţe
•bonuri de masă
•decontare transport
•condiţii de muncă deosebite

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să trimită un CV pe adresa de mail: sau fax 0264-436036 până la data de 04.02.2012.
Informaţii suplimentare la telefon: 0264-435305, 435155, sau la sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca, Calea Baciului nr.80.

Held Fashion SRL este o companie cu capital integral olandez, infiintata in 1999, avand ca domeniu principal de activitate productia de confectii textile pentu femei (jachete, bluze, topuri, fuste). Este o companie organizata si structurata dupa principii europene, aflandu-se intr-un intens proces de optimizare a activitatii.

luni, 23 ianuarie 2012

Controlor Calitate - Tecuci

Sursa :

Pentru postul de Controlor calitate cautam o persoana dinamica, cu un dezvoltat simt al raspunderii, bun organizator, cu posibilitatea de a lucra peste program.

Societatea are o vechime pe piata producerii de confectii textile (preponderent de dama) de peste 20 ani. Punctul de lucru pentru care se doreste angajarea este situat in Tecuci str. 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 134 Jud. Galati

sâmbătă, 21 ianuarie 2012

Fashion Designer - Job Description, Salaries, Benefits and Useful Links


Job Description, Salaries, Benefits and Useful Links

Fashion/clothing designers design clothes, accessories and shoes. Some design expensive one-off pieces. Others work in a team creating a whole range of mass-produced fashions, or specialise in particular areas such as sportswear.
The responsibilities of a designer may include:
  • producing concepts
  • making sketches by hand or on the computer
  • developing patterns
  • overseeing production
  • analysing trends in fabrics, colours and shapes.
Designers normally work from 9am to 5pm, but they may work longer hours when preparing samples for buyers or collections for fashion shows. Fashion designers usually work in a studio or small workshop. They may attend fashion shows, prediction fairs and exhibitions, as well as visit clients. Travel is often required.
Salaries may range from around £13,000 to around £60,000 a year.
Fashion/clothing designers need:
  • to be creative
  • an eye for colour, texture and pattern
  • the ability to visualise things in three dimensions
  • technical skills in areas such as pattern cutting, grading and garment construction
  • to enjoy following trends in fashion and clothing.
Fashion designers work for designer labels, as part of in-house design teams for retail chains, and for clothing manufacturers. The heaviest concentration of designers is in London and the surrounding area. Competition for places is intense.
Fashion designers usually start their career after taking an HNC/HND or a degree in fashion. There are many different courses available, some of which give a general grounding in fashion design, while others focus on manufacturing and clothing technology. Most college and universities require evidence of academic achievement, including GCSEs/S grades. A strong portfolio of work is needed to gain employment.
Training is usually on the job, working alongside and learning skills from more senior designers. As competition is extremely strong, most employers expect new recruits to have learned basic skills at college. New fashion designers need to be prepared to work in junior positions, developing other people's designs, as colourists or in pattern-cutting, in order to gain experience and contacts.
With experience, designers may be able to move into senior design roles and work with more established fashion labels. Very few designers are able to design clothes for their own fashion label. Fashion designers may also move into specialist areas such as colour predicting, style consultancy, fashion journalism or costume design.

What is the work like?

Fashion/clothing designers design clothes, accessories and shoes. Some design expensive one-off pieces. Others work in a team creating a whole range of mass-produced fashions, or specialise in particular areas such as sportswear.
There are three main sectors:
  • Haute couture - designers work on exclusive one-off creations that can cost thousands of pounds. They work directly with the client, organising fittings and making alterations, and the work takes a high level of skill and large amounts of time. Many couture designers also produce ready-to-wear collections that are produced in relatively small numbers.
  • Ready-to-wear (or prêt-a-porter) - designers work on garments that are sold in small numbers but often at a high price. These garments bear the designer's name.
  • Designing for High Street stores - designers develop cheaper ranges for the mass market. These garments are manufactured in large numbers and are quite often produced overseas. There is generally much less scope for creative input, as garments are made in line with strict budgets and need to be easy to produce efficiently.
Designers usually work two seasons ahead, liaising with buyers and forecasters to predict the coming fashions. They draw initial sketches by hand or using computer software. Designers have to consider who might buy and wear their designs, how much they will cost to produce and how much people will be prepared to pay.
Designers usually discuss their initial ideas with the design and marketing team before the best are selected and made up as sample garments. When the clothes go into production, the fashion designer has to be available to give advice and sort out any problems with cutting or stitching.
The responsibilities of a designer vary depending on who they work for, but may include:
  • producing concepts
  • making sketches by hand or on computers
  • developing patterns
  • overseeing production
  • analysing trends in fabrics, colours and shapes
  • sourcing suppliers
  • selecting and buying fabrics and trims
  • adapting existing designs for mass production
  • supervising the making up of sample garments
  • quality control.
Designers can work alone or as part of a small design team.
Starting salaries are around £13,000 to £15,000 a year.

Hours and environment

Designers normally work from 9am to 5pm, but they may work much longer hours when preparing samples for buyers or collections for fashion shows.
Part-time work may be possible, especially for self-employed designers, but staying ahead of the competition often means designers have to work long hours.
Fashion designers usually work in a studio or a small workshop. Those who also make clothes, or are involved in making samples, spend time at a cutting table using a sewing machine.
They may attend fashion shows, prediction fairs (where future fashion trends are predicted) and exhibitions, as well as visit clients. As the main fashion centres are London, New York, Paris and Rome, international travel is often required.

Salary and other benefits

These figures are only a guide, as actual rates of pay may vary, depending on the employer and where people live.
  • The starting salary for a newly-qualified designer may be around £13,000 to £15,000 a year.
  • With more experience, they may earn approximately £22,000 a year.
  • Senior designers may earn up to £60,000 a year.
Freelance designers charge per design. They may have to pay commission to their agents.

Skills and personal qualities

Fashion/clothing designers need:
  • to be creative
  • an eye for colour, texture and pattern
  • the ability to visualise things in three dimensions
  • technical skills in areas such as pattern cutting, grading and garment construction
  • to be able to draw, either by hand or on the computer
  • good communication skills to explain their ideas clearly and persuasively
  • the ability to meet deadlines and work within a budget
  • business skills and commercial awareness, particularly if they are self-employed
  • good negotiation skills when selling their own designs
  • to keep ahead of trends in colour, fabric and style
  • strong organisational skills.


It helps to have an interest in:
  • trends in fashion and clothing
  • art and design.

Getting in

Fashion designers work for designer labels, as part of in-house design teams for retail chains, and for clothing manufacturers that produce large quantities of clothes for the mass market.
Around 12,000 designers are in paid employment in the UK. There are often more applicants than vacancies. Jobs working for well-known designer labels are highly sought after.
The heaviest concentration of designers is in London and the surrounding area. The industry is dominated by small and medium-sized employers. In fact, more than 80 per cent of businesses have 10 employees or fewer.
Competition for places is intense and many fashion graduates find they have to do other work as a result, perhaps in a related field such as fashion journalism, or as stylists or buyers.
Jobs are advertised in Drapers, other trade publications and The Guardian, and on specialist recruitment websites.
Entry for young people
Fashion designers usually start their career after taking an HNC/HND or a degree in fashion. Foundation degree courses are also available. Some courses provide a general grounding in fashion design and textiles, while others focus on manufacturing and clothing technology.
Developing skills which are in short supply, such as pattern cutting, textile technology, production management and studio management, may be an advantage.
In England and Wales, many designers start out on a foundation course or other national diploma course before going on to a HNC/HND, Foundation degree or degree. In Scotland, degree courses take four years. The first year equates to the foundation year in England and Wales, and introduces students to general art and design.
The qualifications required are normally two A levels/three H grades and three GCSEs/two S grades (A-C/1-3), although other qualifications may be accepted. A portfolio of work has to be submitted with the application.
Alternatively, students may take HNC/HND courses in graphic design or related subjects. Entry requirements are normally at least one A level/H grade in art or design and technology, or a related subject.
Some students may do a postgraduate course before starting work. Employers usually select new designers based on a portfolio of work and an interview.
Entry for adults
Most people enter this profession at an early age.
Academic entry requirements for art and design courses may be relaxed for candidates with a strong portfolio of work and related experience.
Adults may prepare for degree-level study by taking a full or part-time Access course.


Training is usually on the job, working alongside and learning skills from more senior designers. As competition is extremely strong, most employers expect new recruits to have learned basic skills at college.
New fashion designers need to be prepared to work in junior positions, developing other people's designs, as colourists or in pattern-cutting, in order to gain experience and contacts.

Getting on

With experience, designers may be able to move into senior design roles and work with more established fashion labels. Very few designers are able to design clothes for their own fashion label.
Fashion designers may also move into specialist areas such as colour predicting, style consultancy, fashion journalism or costume design.

Further information

British Fashion Council, 5 Portland Place, London W1B 1PW. 020 7636 7788. Website:
Crafts Council, 44A Pentonville Road, Islington, London N1 9BY. 020 7278 7700. Website:
Design Council, 34 Bow Street, London WC2E 7DL. 020 7420 5200. Website:
Skillfast-UK, Richmond House, Lawnswood Business Park, Leeds LS16 6RD. 0113 239 9600. Websites: (Talisman Fashion & Retail Jobs)

Further reading
Careers in Fashion and Textiles - Blackwell
Fashion Design - Watson Guptill
So You Want to Work in Fashion? - Hodder Wayland
Working in fashion & clothing - VT Lifeskills


Drapers -
The Guardian

Footwear Designer - Job Description, Salaries, Benefits and Useful Links


Footwear designers come up with creative and practical designs for shoes and other footwear. The footwear market ranges from catwalk and High Street fashion shoes, to sports footwear such as football boots and training shoes.
The work may involve:
  • working with other designers on styles and trends
  • making rough design drawings by hand or using a computer
  • researching ideas at fashion shows and events
  • making sample shoes to present their ideas
  • conducting quality checks and overseeing production.
Footwear designers normally work Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Longer hours are likely when preparing samples for buyers or shows. Most designers work in a studio or small workshop. Travelling is often required, both in the UK and abroad.
Salaries may range from around £12,000 to £60,000 a year.
Footwear designers need:
  • a creative eye and a flair for colour, texture and patterns
  • knowledge of foot anatomy
  • good drawing ability and CAD skills
  • excellent communication skills
  • an interest in fashion, design and textiles.
Footwear designers work for fashion houses, footwear brands supplying High Street stores, catalogue companies and specialist manufacturers of leisure and sportswear. There are less than 1,000 footwear and leather apparel designers in paid employment in the UK. Getting into footwear design is fiercely competitive and jobs with the major fashion houses are highly sought after.
Most footwear designers start their career after gaining a degree or an HND in fashion, art and design or a related subject. Some fashion degree courses have footwear design options. People who want to design sports and casual footwear may study product design. It is also possible to study for specialist footwear degrees.
Most employers expect new designers to have mastered basic footwear design skills at college. Many start in a junior design position to gain experience, working alongside skilled designers. They may do further study and go on training courses. Continuing Professional Development is important to maintain and update skills.
A junior footwear designer may be able to progress to senior or head designer. In the retail environment, this increasingly means taking on wider responsibilities for fashion and accessories design. There may be further opportunities in retail buying, sales and marketing, and in footwear manufacturing. Some highly experienced designers may become freelance and work for different fashion houses.

What is the work like?

Footwear designers come up with creative and practical ideas for shoes and other footwear. The extensive footwear market includes:
  • High Street fashion shoes, boots and sandals
  • catwalk and high-end couture footwear
  • sportswear such as football boots and training shoes
  • specialist and custom footwear.
Designers usually specialise in one aspect of the footwear market. The exact nature of their duties depends on the employer or private clients that they work for.
In high-end couture, footwear designers usually work on their own fashion labels, teaming up with other designers to develop and produce one-off shoes or exclusive ranges. This typically involves:
  • liaising with high-end fashion designers to interpret catwalk styles and trends
  • making rough design drawings by hand or using computer-aided design (CAD) programs
  • experimenting with colours and fabrics to make footwear that complements an entire fashion 'look'
  • presenting design ideas, usually by creating a model of a shoe and its key features
  • sourcing and briefing production teams who will create each range.
The process in the mass market, although still design-orientated, generally involves communicating with overseas suppliers and supervising the production of number of footwear ranges. The work may involve:
  • liaising with fashion clothing and accessory design teams, retail buyers and sales teams to anticipate a total look for future collections
  • researching ideas, and attending fashion shows and events
  • adapting existing footwear collections
  • creating mood boards to experiment with shapes, colours and fabrics
  • producing small samples to present to colleagues and clients
  • sourcing, selecting and buying fabrics and trims
  • checking the quality and approving samples of manufactured items
  • overseeing testing, including textile colour dips and footwear durability.
Budget control is an important element of every footwear designer's job. They look at factors such as how much a range will cost to manufacture and how much people will be prepared to pay. During the production phase they may advise and sort out any technical design problems. Some also design complementary products such as handbags and other accessories.
Footwear designers may work freelance or as part of a small design team. Self-employed designers may spend a considerable amount of time maintaining business records, and marketing and promoting designs to manufacturers and fashion houses.
Starting salaries may range from £12,000 to £14,000 a year.

Hours and environment

Footwear designers normally work Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Longer hours are likely when preparing samples for buyers or fashion show collections. Part-time work is more likely for self-employed footwear designers.
Most design work takes place in a design studio or small fashion workshop, usually connected to the wider design business.
Designers may travel regularly to visit national and international suppliers or attend fashion shows.

Salary and other benefits

These figures are only a guide, as actual rates of pay may vary, depending on the employer and where people live.
  • Starting salaries for new footwear designers may be £12,000 to £14,000 a year.
  • With experience, earnings may rise to around £22,000 a year.
  • Senior footwear designers could potentially earn up to £60,000.
Income for self-employed footwear designers varies widely depending on the volume of work they take on. Fees are usually negotiated for each project. Agents may charge a commission.

Skills and personal qualities

Footwear designers need:
  • a creative eye
  • a flair for colour, texture and patterns
  • knowledge of foot anatomy
  • good drawing ability and CAD skills
  • excellent communication skills
  • the ability to critique their work and accept comments from other designers, buyers and sales people
  • the ability to take precise measurements
  • knowledge of the footwear market and its future trends
  • an understanding of the different textile components, dyes and production processes
  • the ability to manage a budget
  • excellent organisational skills
  • to work well alone, as well as in a team environment.


A footwear designer needs to:
  • be interested in fashion, design and textiles
  • enjoy working in a creative and fast-paced environment
  • be interested in past and future trends, including evolving footwear technologies.

Getting in

Footwear designers work for fashion houses, footwear brands supplying High Street stores, catalogue companies and specialist manufacturers of leisure and sportswear. Some create their own collections, although this takes considerable talent, luck and perseverance.
There are less than 1,000 footwear and leather apparel designers in paid employment in the UK. The majority of jobs are found in the East and West Midlands, North West England and London. There are more applicants than vacancies and getting into footwear design is fiercely competitive, although there is often a shortage of applicants with the required skills.
Jobs with the major fashion houses are highly sought after. It is quite common for designers who are getting established in the high-end market to do freelance work whilst designing collections for High Street retailers as well.
Jobs may be advertised in trade publications such as Drapers or Footwear Today, on the British Footwear Association website and, occasionally, in the national press. Networking at shows is a good source of work for freelance designers.
Entry for young people
Most footwear designers start their career after gaining a degree or an HND in fashion, art and design or a related subject. Some fashion degree courses have footwear design options. People who want to design sports and casual footwear may study product design.
It is possible to study for specialist footwear degrees. Courses include:
  • Degree in Cordwainers Footwear at the London College of Fashion (part of the University of the Arts London)
  • Degree in Footwear Design at De Montfort University
  • Degree in Fashion (Footwear and Accessories) at the University of Northampton.
The qualifications for a degree are usually at least two A levels/three H grades and five GCSEs/S grades (A-C/1-3), although other qualifications may be accepted.
The London College of Fashion offers a wide range of courses and qualifications. These range from a shoemaking for beginners course and an introductory diploma to a Masters Degree in Fashion Footwear. Five GCSEs/S grades (A-C/1-3) and one A level/two or three H grades are usually required for entry to Foundation degrees. Useful subjects include art and design, and IT.
As well as academic qualifications, employers usually expect applicants to provide a portfolio of work.
Entry for adults
Although most people start in this career at an early age, there are no age restrictions on becoming a footwear designer. Commercial awareness and an understanding of the wider fashion market are a definite advantage.


Most employers expect new designers to have mastered basic footwear design skills at college. Many start in a junior design position to gain experience, working alongside skilled designers.
Employers may support additional study and send designers on external courses. The Chartered Society of Designers offers a membership scheme for professional designers in all types of design work. The Society also runs training courses and workshops.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is important to maintain and update skills. Reading trade literature and attending regular fashion shows enables footwear designers to keep ahead of the latest fashion trends.

Getting on

A junior footwear designer may be able to progress to senior or head designer. In the retail environment, this increasingly means taking on wider responsibilities for fashion and accessories design.
There may be further opportunities in retail buying, sales and marketing, and in footwear manufacturing. These roles may offer designers the opportunity to work abroad.
Some highly experienced designers with a strong industry reputation may become freelance and work for different fashion houses. A few may set up their own design label.

Further information

British Footwear Association (BFA), 3 Burystead Place, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 1AH. 01933 229005. Website:
Chartered Society of Designers (CSD), 1 Cedar Court, Royal Oak Yard, Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3GA. 020 7357 8088. Website:
London College of Fashion, 20 John Princes' Street, London W1G 0BJ. Full-time courses and part-time degree enquiries: 020 7514 7344. Short course enquiries: 020 7514 7566. Website:
Skillfast-UK, Richmond House, Lawnswood Business Park, Leeds LS16 6RD. 0113 239 9600. Website:
Your Creative Future. Website:

Further reading

Getting into Art and Design Courses - Trotman
Working in fashion & clothing - Connexions


Fashion Weekly
Footwear Today
Out on a Limb

Specialist marketing - Bucuresti


Descrierea postului:
actiuni pentru promovarea portofoliului actual si dezvoltarea unor produse adaptate pietei, in colaborare cu echipa locala si cu echipele internationale de marketing
intretinerea bazei de date in SAP (cunoasterea modulului Sales & Distribution din SAP reprezinta un avantaj)
gestionarea relatiei cu portofoliul actual de clienti Key Accounts, prin propunerea celor mai potrivite game de produse si metode de prezentare
Experienta si studii:
studii superioare, preferabil in domeniul economic
cunoastere excelenta Word, Powerpoint, Excel; SAP - constituie avantaj
limba engleza – nivel avansat
buna cunoastere a limbii romane si capacitatea de a compune texte de prezentare
experienta in marketing constituie avantaj
permis de conducere, categoria B
Caracteristici personale:
capacitate de a culege, prelucra si transmite informatii
persoana dinamica, creativa, cu initiativa
Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii):

Pachet salarial atractiv, asigurare medicala privata, laptop, telefon
Mediu de lucru dinamic, intr-o companie multinationala
Posibilitati de promovare
Descrierea firmei:
Coats Romania Impex SRL reprezinta filiala locala a firmei englezesti Coats plc si este unul dintre cei mai mari producari si distribuitori de accesorii necesare industriei textile.

Tehnician control calitate pentru confectii textile - Bucuresti

- cunostinte temeinice in domeniul confectiilor de dama, ce vor reprezenta suportul necesar in a gestiona produse cu un grad ridicat de calitate;
- experienta minim 10 ani;
- cunostinte/ metode foarte bune de a verifica tiparele/ de a determina deficiente ce pot aparea din modul de executie al tiparelor;
- abilitati in a realiza (de a confectiona), un produs la nivelul de calitate ce ulterior il va urmarii in productie, conditie obligatorie;
- abilitati de comunicare si implementare de solutii;
- adaptabilitate usoara la schimbari;
- abilitati de rezolvarea cu succes a problemele inerente cu care se confrunta;
- capacitatea de a lucra intr-un mediu cu ritm rapid;
- rezistent la stres;
- capacitatea de a lucra independent si de a lua decizii bune;
- cunostinte calculator, nu reprezinta o conditie obligatorie;
- permis de conducere, constituie un avantaj;
- disponibilitate deplasari, mai mult de 80% din activitate.
- verifica prin sondaj fiecare lot tesatura si accesorii ce urmeaza sa intre in productie;
- verifica si comunica cantitatile rezultate din croit si motivele pentru care nu s-a inchis comanda, dupa caz comunica si se asigura de colectarea justificariilor necesare inchiderii comenzii, eventuale lipsuri de materiale/accesorii;
- urmareste seria "0" si intocmeste raport de calitate, ofera solutii tehnologice astfel incat sa urmareasca executarea produselor conform standardului impus;
- se asigura de urmarirea standardului de calitate in timpul productie (intefazic), urmareste respectarea fluxului tehnologic/ modul de executie al operatiilor conform cu documentatia tehnica si modelul apobat;
- controleaza calitativ si dimensional produsele in fazele de executie (interfazic), dupa calcatul final si prin sondaj/integral la final dupa ce produsele au fost ambalate;
- anunta locul si data de unde se va face incarcarea, dupa intocmirea raportului de calitate conform cu care valideaza livrarea de produse;
- se asigura ca toate livrarile sunt insotite de modelul original, si documentatia aferenta;
- se asigura ca fiecare comanda se livreaza integral conform cu nr. de bucati croite, si ataseaza fiecarie livrari justificarile pt. produsele ce nu sunt livrate;
- urmareste returanarea dispozitivelor, utilajelor de lucru, a plusurilor de materiale/ accesorii trimise fabricilor de productie.
NISSA este singurul brand din Romania care ofera zilnic modele noi.
Peste 500 de modele va asteapta in reteaua noastra de magazine, incusiv in magazinul online.
Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitati site-ul

vineri, 20 ianuarie 2012

Director companie importuri textile - Bucuresti

Descrierea postului:
coordonare activitate import textile din Pakistan si creare retea distributie si vanzari retail. Caut om cu experienta in acest domeniu.
istet, comunicativ, experienta in domeniu, disponibil la deplasari
Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii):

salariu bun, telefon, bonusuri la vanzari, deplasari in strainatate.
Descrierea firmei:
firma din cadrul grupului

case utilaje

Oras Giurgiu
Domeniul de activitate Retail / Comert
Angajati 25-50

Inginer textile, pielarie - Timisoara

SC PASMATEX SA    inginer textile, pielarie  
Timisoara, Str: Jiul, nr: 2, Tel: 490234    1 post
Invatamant superior    Pe perioada nedeterminata

Inginer asigurarea calităţii - Brasov

Oras Brasov
Angajati 500-1000
Descrierea postului:
Responsabil pentru asigurarea calităţii în sectoarele de producţie.
● Responsabil pentru organizarea si desfasurarea de analize de proces in toate sectoarele, pentru imbunatatirea continua a tuturor proceselor
● Responsabil pentru implicarea producţiei in imbunatatirea continua a tuturor proceselor.
● Responsabil pentru optimizarea proceselor si cresterea eficientei muncii in sectoarele de productie
Absolvent studii superioare tehnice.
Experienţă minim 6 luni pe un post similar - de preferat în industria automotive.
Cunostinte specifice de statistica, analiza greselii.
Cunostinte bune de limba engleza si/sau germana.
Cunostiinte bune operare PC (Word, Excel)
Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii):

Pachet salarial motivant.
Transport asigurat si gratuit
Tichete masă
Posibilitati de dezvoltare profesionala.
Descrierea firmei:

Formare in management pentru tineri

PROGRAMUL COPERNIC este un program de formare in management pentru tineri INGINERI, ECONOMISTI si JURISTI din tarile Europei Centrale si Orientale.

Asociatia Absolventilor Romani ai Programului Copernic invita candidatii interesati sa ne contacteze pentru detalii referitor la depunerea candidaturii si pentru detalii referitoare la Program.
Pentru anul universitar 2012-2013 DOSARELE DE CANDIDATURA sunt asteptate pana la 29 FEBRUARIE 2012.
Pregatirea dosarului poate sa dureze intre 1 si 4 saptamani.

Vezi detalii la adresa web de mai sus.

miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2012

Proiectant pe program Gerber in confectii AccuMark - Buzau


sc Azerro 2007 srl Buzau

Angajatorul recruteaza din: Buzau, Ramnicu Sarat

Descrierea postului:
Echipa noastra este, de asemenea, instruita in utilizarea tuturor tipurilor de materiale.
Pe baza modelelor se pot realiza în studioul nostru: modele pentru prezentari de moda, serii mici sau mari de foarte înaltă calitate.
Proiectarea tiparelor se face cu sistemul Accumark Gerber (gradare, incadrare, plottare). Sistemul nostru de proiectare permite conversia intre cele doua sisteme Gerber/Lectra, Lectra/Gerber.
Cunostinte in domeniul confectii cunostinte de folosire a programului Gorber sau AccuMark
Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii):

Bonusurile si beneficiile se vorbesc la interviu care va avea loc in incinta firmei
Descrierea firmei:
Echipa noastra este, de asemenea, instruita in utilizarea tuturor tipurilor de materiale.
Pe baza modelelor se pot realiza în studioul nostru: modele pentru prezentari de moda, serii mici sau mari de foarte înaltă calitate.
Proiectarea tiparelor se face cu sistemul Accumark Gerber (gradare, incadrare, plottare). Sistemul nostru de proiectare permite conversia intre cele doua sisteme Gerber/Lectra, Lectra/Gerber.

Controlor calitate confectii - Sudul tarii



Angajatorul recruteaza din: Pitesti, Ramnicu Valcea, Slatina

Descrierea postului:
Colaboratori (PFA) pentru prestare servicii control calitate confectii textile in orase din Sudul tarii
experienta in control de calitate confectii textile, masina proprie si permis de conducere, cunostinte limba franceza si engleza, cunostinte informatica
Descrierea firmei:
Societate cu sediul in Bacau, al carei domeniu de activitate este controlul de calitate pt confectii textile.



Oras: Ploiesti

Descrierea postului:
- se implica in mod activ in procesul de realizare a unui model (constituie puntea intermediara intre designer- constructor tipare- modelier);
- ofera solutii tehnice astfel incat produsele finale sa corespunda dimesional (cu schita), sa fie usor de lucrat in productia de serie,avand costuri minime;
- masoara toate produsele finale; creeaza tabele de dimensiuni in calculator;
- experienta in domeniul confectiilor textile: productie de serie, realizare de modele;
- abilitatea de a lucra in echipa;
- cunostinte minime: cusut; tipare; croit;
- cunostinte lb. engleza
Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii):

- salariu motivant;
- mediu de lucru modern.
Descrierea firmei:
Colectiv tanar si mediu de lucru modern la sediul firmei din Paulestii Noi.


Sursa :


Descrierea postului:
- coordoneaza toate activitatile tehnice si de creatie ale societatii;
- stabileste masuri adecvate pentru indeplinirea obligatiilor contractuale esalonate saptamanal, lunar, trimestrial, semestrial sau anual;
- imbunatateste si propune noi metode de lucru atat in cadrul departamentului tehnic cat si in cel de creatie;
- asigura respectarea procesului tehnologic si asigura concordanta cu normele si conditiile de calitate stabilite;
- asigura existenta documentatiei necesare procesului de productie (fise dimensiuni, procese tehnologice, norme);
- decide reorganizarea fluxurilor de productie in functie de tehnologiile produselor noi intrate in fabricatie;
- urmareste modul in care se respecta disciplina tehnologica si obtinerea unor produse cu un inalt grad de calitate si fiabilitate;
- urmareste incadrarea in normele stabilite si asigura aplicarea unor metode moderne de pregatire-programare, lansare si urmarire a productiei;
- decide aplicarea tuturor masurilor care sa asigure cadrul normal de desfasurare in sectii de productie si le pune la dispozitie directorului de productie;
- raspunde impreuna cu toti factorii decizionali asupra derularii in bune conditii a tuturor activitatilor, lucrarilor, operatiilor pe nivele ierarhice, functionale si operationale.
- absolvent Facultatea de Textile si Pielarie- specializare confectii ;
- experienta de minim 3 ani in domeniul confectiilor;
- abilitati tehnice si de normare;
- abilitati foarte bune de comunicare;
- persoana responsabila,organizata, dinamica, sociabila;
- operare PC foarte buna.
Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii):

- pachet salarial atractiv;
- bonusuri in functie de realizari.
Descrierea firmei:
Bine cunoscut producator de lenjerie de dama cu o retea de distributie in extindere in intreaga lume.

Constructor tipare - Craiova


Compania: SC ROB REAL ESTATE SRL Craiova

Judet: Dolj
Oras: Bucovat
Adresa: - 523 BUCOVAT
Cod Postal: 207125
Telefon: 0767124369
Experienta construire/gradare tipare pentru industria textila.
Cunostinte operare computer.
Intocmirea proceselor tehnologice (timpi standard de croire, coasere, finisare) pentru produsele construite poate constitui un avantaj important.
Anuntul se refera la constructor tipare industria textila in sistem Gemini (asiguram scolarizare). Postul oferit este tip full-time.
Companie producatoare echipamente textile pentru lucru / protectia muncii.





Programator Shima sau Stoll - Sibiu

Angajator: SC GNOATO EST SRL Sibiu

Str. Metalurgistilor, nr. 1-3, cp 550137, Sibiu
Tel.: 0269-219.178 / 219.140
Fax: 0269-219.105

Adresa web:

Societatea comerciala GNOATO EST din Sibiu, cu activitate in domeniul tricotajelor si confectiilor de 10 ani in Romania, cauta specialisti in domeniul de programare a masinilor de tricotat Shima Seiki sau Stoll, absolventi ai Facultatii de Textile-Pielarie din Iasi, sectia tricotaje-confectii, indiferent de anul absolvirii, de preferat cu experienta, cu varsta cuprinsa intre 25 si 35 de ani, barbati, disponibili pentru deplasari in Italia, la specializare.

CV-urile se depun la adresa de mai sus, iar pentru detalii se poate contacta:

Ganu Bianca, 0269 / 219.178, 0269 / 219.140

marți, 17 ianuarie 2012

Inginer textilist - Constructor de tipare

Compania: Amazing Fashion

Absolvent de facultate textile si pielarie cu exeperienta minim 1 an, cunostiinte de calculator si programul Gemini, abilitate de comunicare si rezistent la conditii de stres.
Executia de tipare confectii femei dupa poza sau mostra, gradare si incadrare, pregatirea fabricatiei

Suntem o firma mica, producatoare de confectii femei, care vindem produsele noastre marca Tara pe site-ul nostru

Inginer constructor de tipare - Bucuresti


Descrierea postului:
Executie tipare, gradare, incadrare, modificari tipar, urmarire mostra, tabele de dimensiuni, documentatie tehnica
Facultatea de Textile-Pielarie si management Industrial, experienta minim 1 an, cunostiinte Gemini sistem, lima engleza
Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii):

se va discuta la interviu
Salariu: 200-400 Euro/Luna

miercuri, 11 ianuarie 2012


Descrierea postului:
-coordoneaza toate activitatile tehnice si de creatie ale societatii;
-stabileste masuri adecvate pentru indeplinirea obligatiilor contractuale esalonate saptamanal, lunar, trimestrial, semestrial sau anual;
-imbunatateste si propune noi metode de lucru atat in cadrul departamentului tehnic cat si in cel de creatie;
-asigura respectarea procesului tehnologic si asigura concordanta cu normele si conditiile de calitate stabilite;
-asigura existenta documentatiei necesare procesului de productie (fise dimensiuni, procese tehnologice, norme);
-decide reorganizarea fluxurilor de productie in functie de tehnologiile produselor noi intrate in fabricatie;
-urmareste modul in care se respecta disciplina tehnologica si obtinerea unor produse cu un inalt grad de calitate si fiabilitate;
-urmareste incadrarea in normele stabilite si asigura aplicarea unor metode moderne de pregatire-programare, lansare si urmarire a productiei;
-decide aplicarea tuturor masurilor care sa asigure cadrul normal de desfasurare in sectii de productie si le pune la dispozitie directorului de productie;
-raspunde impreuna cu toti factorii decizionali asupra derularii in bune conditii a tuturor activitatilor, lucrarilor, operatiilor pe nivele ierarhice, functionale si operationale.
-absolvent Facultatea de Textile si Pielarie- specializare confectii ;
-experienta de minim 3 ani in domeniul confectiilor;
-abilitati tehnice si de normare;
-abilitati foarte bune de comunicare;
-persoana responsabila,organizata, dinamica, sociabila;
-operare PC foarte buna.
Oferta (bonusuri, beneficii):

-pachet salarial atractiv;
-bonusuri in functie de realizari.
Descrierea firmei:
Bine cunoscut producator de lenjerie de dama cu o retea de distributie in extindere in intreaga lume.